On Friday, June 12, WHO Radio host Jan Mickelson shined the spotlight of his microphone on sexually graphic and obscene material presented to Iowa schoolchildren at an ostensibly “anti-bullying” conference April 3 called the 10th Annual Iowa Governor’s Conference on LGBTQ Youth.
Mickelson invited Iowa State Rep. Greg Heartsill to talk about an investigation into the conference after parents, students, and teachers in attendance reported the children were exposed to “pornographic,” “vulgar,” and “X-rated” content at the event.
Heartsill has been joined by over 20 other state legislators who are demanding answers on why taxpayer money was used to expose minors to obscene material. Heartsill and his colleagues deserve recognition and honor for working faithfully to defend and protect Iowa’s children.
Nonetheless, Iowa Safe Schools and Progress Iowa have inexplicably attacked Heartsill for working to safeguard children. The latter organization even took out a full-page ad belittling Heartsill in his hometown newspaper.
On Friday, Mickelson invited Heartsill on to his program to talk about the Iowa Straw Poll, the attack ad, and his courageous work to discover the truth about the conference.
You can listen to the free podcast of Mickelson’s June 12 program, including his conversation with Heartsill (which begins about an hour into the broadcast), by clicking here.
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