WATCH: How should Christians engage with politics?

WATCH: How should Christians engage with politics?

Election Day 2018 is right around the corner. But what does that mean for Christians, specifically? What are our responsibilities and biblical guidelines for engaging with politics?

Pastor Jack Graham, the former two-term president of the Southern Baptist Convention, addressed the 2018 Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines on these pressing questions.

Watch below:

The FAMiLY LEADER works to inspire the Church to engage with government for the advance of God’s Kingdom (and not any person or political party). To that end, TFL has created Honoring God 2018, a non-partisan initiative that equips pastors and church leaders to encourage their congregations to engage in the 2018 Election. As Americans, we have been given the gift of self-government, of choosing our leaders, and like any gift, we have a responsibility to use it for the glory of God.

Learn more about Honoring God 2018 by clicking here now!