Victory to celebrate: Protecting rape victims, their children

Victory to celebrate: Protecting rape victims, their children

160331govsigningIowa Gov. Terry Branstad signed a law this morning making it easier for rape victims who become pregnant and deliver their babies to terminate the rapists’ parental “rights” in court.

Bringing together a wide, bipartisan coalition of support, HF 2386 helps prevent all-too-common situations where a rapist sues his former victim for the “right” to visit or even have partial custody of the child, bringing both mother and her baby into frequent contact with the man who traumatized her.

The law is an important reminder that in the battle to defend all unborn life, there is also an important responsibility to care for and defend mothers and their newborn children as well.

We’re grateful to the diverse team of people who shepherded this bill’s passage, including:

  • Republican Rep. Greg Heartsill
  • Democrat Sen. Steve Sodders
  • Tim Overlin of Personhood Iowa
  • Maggie DeWitte of Iowans for LIFE
  • Kim Laube of Lutheran Family Service
  • Rebecca Kiessling of Hope After Rape Conception
  • Amy Campbell of Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault
  • The members of The FAMiLY LEADER family advocate team.

Setting aside differences to work together for the good of mothers and rape victims is important, exemplary work.

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