Hundreds of Iowans came to the State Capitol Monday in support of SF253, a bill that would establish life begins at conception in Iowa law.
Waving signs that read “She’s a Baby” and wearing the unity color black, defenders of human life outnumbered abortion advocates better than 10-to-1. And included in the crowd were over 50 pastors from various churches and denominations, all standing in support of life! It was the largest single outpouring of support for pro-life legislation yet this session.
The outpouring of support encouraged State Sens. Jason Schultz and Brad Zaun to pass SF253 out of subcommittee by a vote of 2-1, with Sen. Janet Peterson dissenting. A huge victory!
Pro-life Iowans, you were a HUGE encouragement to our legislators to do the right thing and pass SF253 through subcommittee.
But the work is not yet done! Would you please contact Iowa’s senators today and encourage them to stand strong for life and advance SF253?
Click here now for a convenient tool that emails every Iowa state senator in one, easy step!
Your involvement today could save thousands of babies’ lives in Iowa. Please contact the State Senate today.