The “Faith in Leadership, America’s Need for Revival” event hosted by The FAMiLY Leader in Des Moines, Iowa, on Thursday, Oct. 1, featured several, excellent speakers – including U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, MyPillow’s Mike Lindell, New York Times bestselling author Joel C. Rosenberg, and TFL’s Bob Vander Plaats.
But the most prominent speaker at the event was Vice President Mike Pence, whose comments included the powerful story of a couple whose obedience to God, even in the midst of discouragement, made all the difference in God’s plan to bring a future Vice President of the United States to faith in Jesus Christ.
Watch below an excerpt of Pence’s address, a 5-minute clip in which he shares his personal testimony of coming to faith:
In these few minutes, Pence shared not only his testimony, but also the reason for his hope for tomorrow – and as it turns out, both stories point to Jesus Christ.
“Even when things don’t seem like they’re going the way we expect,” Pence said, “they’re going the way [God] expected.”