‘Truth Exposed’ rallies Iowans to defund Planned Parenthood

‘Truth Exposed’ rallies Iowans to defund Planned Parenthood

On Saturday, Aug. 15, 2015, several hundred Iowans gathered on the steps of the Iowa State Capitol to demand the men in women inside the golden domed building take action to defund, investigate, and prosecute Planned Parenthood after a string of investigative videos revealed the abortion giant’s practice of deceiving patients, taking dead babies from their mothers without signed consent, and butchering the babies to sell their organs and other body parts.

Twenty different speakers, from presidential candidates, senators, and congressmen to local activists and Iowa elected representatives, spoke to the crowd of the #TruthExposed Rally.

Among the themes: It’s not enough to simply ensure no tax dollars fund abortions. It’s time to stop ALL government funding of Planned Parenthood.

Click here to tell Gov. Terry Branstad Iowa needs to defund Planned Parenthood NOW!

** Time Codes Below** (jump to each speaker)
#TruthExposed Rally – Iowa State Capitol, 8-15-15 , with Simon Conway of WHO Radio

-National Anthem: sung by Shannon Seals*
-Welcome: Emcee, Simon Conway
2:40 Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad
-Iowa Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds
15:46 Sen. Joni Ernst
23:29 Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum
-Jan Mickelson, WHO Radio
-Congressman Steve King
-Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch
-Congressman David Young
-Secretary of State Paul Pate
1:07:05 Iowa House Majority Leader Linda Upmeyer
-Matt Schultz for U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz
-Sen. Jack Whitver for U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio
-State Sen. Ken Rozenboom
1:31:22 Bob Vander Plaats, president of The FAMiLY LEADER
-Rev. Cary Gordon, Cornerstone World Outreach
-Sam Clovis
2:02:00 Jenifer Bowen, executive director of Iowa Right to Life
2:13:12 Simon Conway, closing remarks

Known notables in attendance: Tamara Scott – Republican National Committeewoman, Steve Scheffler – Republican National Committeeman, Rep. Walt Rogers, Rep. Dawn Pettingill, Rep. Dean Fisher, Rep. Ted Gassman.
— Simon Conway: http://bit.ly/1oQFKdR , https://www.facebook.com/simon.conway…
— https://dogoodiowa.info ~ Strengthening Families…
— Iowa Right to Life : http://www.iowartl.org/

*Shannon Seals is a senior at Simpson College with a Vocal Performance Major