Would you please send an email to Iowa’s key legislators in the House today, asking them to support Senate File 2?
SF2 is a bill, already passed by the Iowa Senate, now being considered in the Iowa House, that offers women, especially rural women, more health care options – all while cutting the amount of YOUR state tax dollars that support abortion providers!
And Iowan women don’t need your tax dollars subsidizing Iowa’s roughly 15, urban abortion clinics and advocates. There are between 150 and 200 non-abortion clinics all across the state that offer the same, and even more, services, both in urban and rural areas.
See the map and list of Iowa women’s health-care options for yourself!
Just to be certain, the Iowa Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders personally called over 150 Rural Health Canters around the state to confirm that they would offer the same STD testing, cervical cancer screening, breast cancer testing, and low-cost contraceptive options that Planned Parenthood and similar abortion advocates provide. They do.
What’s more, many of these Rural Health Centers offer additional services – like mammograms and prenatal care – that abortion providers like Planned Parenthood don’t.
See the map and list of Iowa women’s health-care options for yourself!
And best of all, SF2 would finally stem the flow of YOUR tax dollars funding Iowa’s abortion clinics, which kill thousands of Iowa’s sons and daughters every year. No person should be forced by government to pay for medical procedures they consider morally wrong.
Put simply, SF2 is good for women, good for babies, and good for the conscience of the Iowa taxpayer.
Nonetheless, Iowa’s legislators are being flooded with emails, protesters, death threats, lobbyists, and lies every day, trying to convince them to keep funneling your money into abortion clinics.
Would you take just moment – and in one, easy step through our convenient form – to contact the members of Iowa’s House Human Resource Committee and encourage them to support SF2?
Click here now to tell Iowa’s legislators you want them to stand for life!