My son Lucas was born 23 years ago with severe disabilities.
The doctors say he will never walk, and barring a miracle, he will never talk.
But the miracle … has already come. The challenges the Lord has sustained our family through, the joy we’ve found in our son, and the unexpected blessings of Lucas’ life have made him a miracle beyond compare.
The story of how Lucas has changed our lives was captured in a 2007 book called “Light from Lucas,” and now, through Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk Radio, you can hear the story yourself.
Darla and I talked about Lucas with Dr. Dobson on Family Talk a few years ago, and because of the episode’s popularity, it has been rebroadcast and made available online to listen, download, or podcast.
Click here now to listen to the “Light from Lucas” episode of Dr. James Dobson’s Family Talk.
“No doubt about it,” Joni Eareckson Tada wrote in the forward to “Light from Lucas.” “Your thinking will be illumined by the ‘light’ shared in ‘Light from Lucas.’ You will learn about a family whose hearts are settled and whose peace is profound. Don’t worry, though – it’s not sugarcoated; there are plenty of hard places with which you’ll identify. The most important thing is, you just may end up deciding, If Lucas can make it and, by the grace of God, overcome his limitations, I can too.”
Lucas has changed more than our lives. I believe his story could change yours as well. I hope you take the time to listen to the broadcast.
For the family,