Legislators seem to always have people yelling at them from one side or the other, no matter what they do.
How encouraging would it be if lawmakers had someone ministering to them instead?
On Tuesday, March 31, The FAMiLY LEADER brought over a dozen area pastors to the State Capitol to learn about the legislative process and to get directly involved … by bringing the love of Christ to an often divisive place.
“Pastors bring a unique perspective to the lawmaking process,” explains Danny Carroll, family advocate for The FAMiLY LEADER. “They understand interpersonal relationships and what it means to endure under public pressure. These godly men were able to visit with and pray for several legislators during the morning session.”
The gathering of pastors included education on several issues of legislative importance – including abortion, anti-bullying, payday lending and human trafficking – as well as opportunities to meet congressional leaders, including Rep. Chris Hagenow, R-Windsor Heights, Sen. Jack Whitver, R-Ankeny, and Pastor Terry Baxter, R-Garner, now a member of the Iowa House.
“We give our thanks to God for the blessing of these gentlemen as well as their willingness to learn more about state government and to get involved,” Carroll said.
A pastor shares his experience
Michael Demastus, pastor of Fort Des Moines Church of Christ, told The FAMiLY LEADER why it’s so important – and meaningful – for Christians to reach out and minister to legislators.
“I had the wonderful opportunity to come together with my colleagues in ministry (from various denominations) to attend The FAMiLY LEADER’s Pastor’s Day at the Capitol,” Demastus said. “We gathered together early in the morning to be briefed on the pertinent bills facing the legislature that day. We prayed together and then were let loose to call on our state representatives and senators to dialogue with and hopefully pray with them.
“It is so vital that Christians understand their role in civic government,” he continued. “We are commanded to pray for our leaders and those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-4). It is also important that Christian ministers help to shepherd and give counsel to those who lead. Many of them, literally, do not know to whom to turn. Why not guide them toward the unchanging and solid wisdom of the Word of God?
“All of the state representatives and senators give of their time and are not paid very well to do the work they do. They have so many voices demanding, criticizing, and asking of them at all times. It is important that we, as Christians, can lend them a supportive and prayerful voice of concern and help,” Demastus said. “I am sincerely looking forward to doing this again in the future!”