Our mission & beliefs

Strengthen families, by inspiring Christ-like leadership in the home, the church, and the government.

TFL wants to see a revived America that honors God and blesses people.


  1. Transform the culture
  2. Impact elections
  3. Influence policy
  4. Become a model organization other states can follow


What we do

  • Engage churches, leaders, and Christian citizens with truthful, consistent information about the day’s top issues
  • Equip pastors to address social issues from a biblical perspective
  • Protect and defend family values by influencing public policy, campaigns, and elections
  • Develop civic, church, social, and family leaders, including the cultivation of Christian statesmen
  • Protect religious liberty, life, marriage, family, education, and the Consititution
  • Unite believers in prayer for revival, both personal and national

Associated partners

TFL is associated with Focus on the Family, an international family-strengthening ministry headquartered in Colorado Springs, CO.
TFL is also in association with the Family Research Council, a pro-family, nonpartisan public policy organization based in Washington D.C. TFL works cooperatively with FRC President Tony Perkins and in coalition with numerous other state and national public-policy groups.

“…we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.” ~ 2 Corinthians 4:2