The annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., is happening today, and I was privileged while living in our nation’s Capital to march for this noble cause.
Why have so many people marched on a cold January day for so many years? I can answer that with three simple words: “She’s a baby.”
I do not minimize the difficulty of pregnancy (my wife is in throes of morning sickness as I type), nor do I minimize the challenge of young women who have few options for raising a child. But as hard as pregnancy is and as difficult a situation as a young woman may find herself in, when asked if abortion is an option, I still come back to those three words: “She’s a baby.”
Throw every argument for abortion out there, and those three words will still stand. One sad part about the 40+ years of abortion debate in America is that we have used doublespeak to cover the truth. We call her “a fetus,” a “choice,” “women’s health,” even “a pregnancy,” all carefully avoiding the truth we know all too well because it is written on our hearts: “She’s a baby.”
I urge all of my pro-life friends to continue to remember these words when they are marching this year. I encourage those who work in adoption and in women’s health clinics around the country to speak these words and let this truth shine out over a darkened nation: “She’s a baby.”
I plead with those who support abortion to stop with euphemisms and face the reality that what they fight for is the “right” to kill a baby. I beg those who counsel women that they will be better off killing their child to remember that a woman who receives an abortion will have to face these three words for the rest of her life: “She’s a baby.”
I urge legislators who fear passing strong pro-life legislation because they are worried about judicial rulings and legal expenses to do all in their power to stop murder in this nation because … “She’s a baby.” I urge judges and legal professionals to remember that justice for the weakest in society is one of the measures of a nation’s greatness.
Whoever you are, marching or not, legislator or judge, pro-life or pro-choice, I ask you before God to consider the truth that she’s a baby. And because she is, it’s time to save her.