Since its very foundations, the Christian Church has wrestled with its interaction with government. History abounds with mistakes and abuses. But The FAMiLY Leader has become a pioneer in restoring an authentic and biblical approach to engaging government, not for political ends, but to advance the Kingdom of God.
Around the country, many of TFL’s peers are noticing, and TFL was profoundly honored to receive a call from Dr. James Dobson, requesting an interview for his Family Talk radio program.
Among other topics, Dr. Dobson spoke with TFL President and CEO Bob Vander Plaats about TFL’s “The Daniel Initiative,” an effort to mentor other states in replicating TFL’s proven model of cultural transformation, inspiring the Church to be the Church – even in the halls of government.
Now, you can listen in on the two-part interview Dr. Dobson called “one of the most important of his career”:
Part 1
Part 2