Life, Marriage, and Family Rally

Life, Marriage, and Family Rally

The annual Life, Marriage, and Family Rally is coming soon on Tuesday January 28th, 2014!

Tuesday January 28th, 2014
10:00am – 11:00am ~ Rally & Presentation
State Historical Building Auditorium
600 E. Locust St, Des Moines
11:00am – Noon ~ Lobby & meet with legislators

• Take a missions trip to the gold dome with

• Pray with, share, and encourage your legislators

• Promote policies that protect life, defend marriages
and strengthen families

We need as many pro-family Christians to come to Des Moines as possible. Join us at the Iowa Capitol by taking a one-day missions trip to Des Moines. Our goal every year with the Life, Marriage, and Family Rally is to pray with our legislators, build them up and encourage them, share the Gospel with them,  educate them on pro-family policy, and encourage them to support those policies.

Why do we call this a one-day missions trip?  We truly believe our legislative efforts at The FAMiLY LEADER, including this rally, is about  more than furthering issues and a political cause. We see ourselves as missionaries furthering Christ’s kingdom. We want to do more than just convince a few legislators to support a particular bill.  We want to minister to them. We want to build up their faith and win them to Christ. This truly is a mission field and we want you to view your day at the Capitol with us as a missions trip.

Shuttle Transportation Provided

Based at the Historical Building, shuttle buses will be available to transport you to and from the Capitol. Or, for those who want to walk, it is only a five minute walk.

Download the flier that contains the map
or click here to see it at Google Maps.

Pray with, share, and encourage your legislators

statehistoricalbuildingWe will have training during the rally at the Historical Building to prepare you for this time at the Capitol. We will also have volunteers on hand to help at the Capitol.

Issues that we will be focusing on this year:

1) Religious Liberty
This legislation will protect businesses and individuals from being forced to do things against their religious beliefs.

2)  Iowa Marriage Amendment
This will amend the state constitution to only allow marriage in Iowa between one man and one woman. Our goal is for the Iowa legislature to pass the amendment and begin the process to give the people the right to vote on this issue.
The FAMiLY LEADER understands many of you are at school or work during the hours of the rally.  However, the reason why we chose this time is because it is when the legislators are at the Capitol and it’s important to reach them while they are in session. We assure you that you will find the time to be fruitful and encouraging.

Join us on our missions trip
to the golden dome!

For more information:
Call Greg Baker ~ 515.263.3495  ext.18
email: [email protected]


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