Five years ago, Terry Branstad promised he would defund Planned Parenthood. It’s time he keep that promise.
Let’s encourage Gov. Branstad to do the right thing and defund Planned Parenthood today!
What can you do? It’s simple:
1. Contact the governor. Our quick, online form makes it easy for you to send an email with wording sure to get his attention. Click here now! Or call the governor at 515-281-5211.
2. Turn up the heat! Your support of the “Keep Your Promise” campaign will spread the message through more and more channels, and with generous support, may enable us to put this ad on television. Click here to help make it happen!
(Did you get a form-letter response from the Governor’s Office? Or hear him try to explain why he’s already doing all he can?Click here to see through his smokescreen!)
Branstad pledged during a 2010 gubernatorial debate on Iowa Public Television to make Planned Parenthood one of the first programs he would defund upon being elected. And yet millions in taxpayer dollars are still flowing to Planned Parenthood through state contracts.
Branstad has been provided with legal evidence that he has cause to terminate those contracts, particularly as Planned Parenthood of the Heartland is already under Medicaid fraud investigation.
“There are no excuses left for Branstad’s inaction,” says Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of The FAMiLY LEADER Foundation. “His own party insists he act. Iowans are lighting up his phone lines demanding he act. Conscience requires he act. It’s time for Branstad to make good on his promise and defund Planned Parenthood.
“Furthermore, Iowa has over 200 women’s health clinics not affiliated with Planned Parenthood and which offer more comprehensive health care – such as mammograms and well-child services – that Planned Parenthood does not provide,” Vander Plaats adds. “Imagine what those millions in Medicaid and taxpayer dollars could do if they were used in those 200 clinics across the state instead of concentrated in only 13 Iowa communities where Planned Parenthood clinics are located.”
What more does Branstad need?
- Even after shocking videos have revealed the abortion industry leader deceiving women and altering the abortion procedure to better dismember babies for their more profitable parts …
- Even after Planned Parenthood’s Iowa chapter has been placed under investigation for an alleged $28 million dollars in Medicaid fraud …
- Even after his own party called on him to defund Planned Parenthood “as soon as possible using all means and methods at their disposal” …
- Even after lawyers have shown him he has legal cause to terminate the contracts …
- Even after over 200 other clinics in Iowa have been identified as viable alternative options for women’s health and taxpayer funding …
… Governor Branstad still hasn’t acted to defund Planned Parenthood!
Isn’t it time the governor keep his promise?
>> Click here to tell the governor to keep his promise.
>> Click here to support the “Keep Your Promise” campaign.
More on the effort to defund Planned Parenthood:
- Get the facts: What you need to know about defunding Planned Parenthood
- Did you get a form-letter response from the Governor’s Office?
- A bold challenge to national leaders in the Republican Party, “GOP: Party of character or cowards?”
- Des Moines Register Op-Ed by Bob Vander Plaats: “Branstad should defund, investigate Planned Parenthood now”
- ‘Truth Exposed’ rallies Iowans to defund Planned Parenthood
- Iowa State Sen. David Johnson, R-Ocheyedan, reveals just how much taxpayer money Planned Parenthood is getting in Iowa:
Paid for by The FAMiLY LEADER Foundation through donations from people like you.