The latest nomination to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch is getting excellent reviews from our friends engaged in the fight for religious liberty, life, and constitutional government. There is much commentary out there on Judge Gorsuch and more will come as he goes through hearings. We encourage you to stay educated and to encourage the legislature to do the right thing in the confirmation process.
In the craziness of the news cycle we don’t want to forget to give praise to Iowa’s two Senators for their work. The caucuses are over but Iowa is still playing a major role in the national scene! Because of Senator Grassley’s strong stance on the judiciary committee last year we have the opportunity to get a good nominee to the Court. Senator Grassley showed courage and resolve in waiting until after the election to consider Supreme Court nominees we are seeing the fruit of his resolve.
Senator Ernst introduced legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and has legislation in the works to undo the Obama Administration’s pro-abortion Title X rules that were promoted as he left office. National groups such as FRC have recognized the importance of what Senator Ernst is doing and we as Iowans should be grateful for her work. This dovetails well with Iowa’s legislative effort to defund abortionists at the state level.
Please encourage our Senators as they stand for life and judicial restraint!