On Friday, President Obama and his administration put the safety and privacy of every child in America at risk.
His Department of Education issued new “guidance” mandating schools that receive federal funding adopt “gender inclusive” policies that permit boys who say they are girls (and girls who say they are boys) to play on girls’ sports teams – and even use girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, showers, and hotel rooms on overnight trips!
When the safety and privacy of our children are put at risk by a president who values his sexual revolution agenda over their protection, we are called to speak and to act.
But what can we DO about it?
For starters, the governors, lieutenant governors, or attorney generals in at least eight states have told the Obama administration they will not comply with his unlawful and dangerous edict.
But Iowa is not yet one of them.
So the first thing you can do is sign this petition urging Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad to stand with other governors in defending our children.
The second thing you can do is stand with the organization in Iowa that’s standing up for our children and grandchildren and is unafraid to stand up to legislators and governors of either party to give your values a voice. Your gift—of $25, $50, $100, or even $500 or more—will go to work right away to make sure Iowa children have privacy and safety when they use the restroom, locker room, or shower at school. Give to The FAMiLY LEADER today!
President Obama and his administration are working to turn our taxpayer-funded schools into a social experiment laboratory that puts children at risk. Worse yet, here in Iowa, wording is already in the law that could bring the same bathroom mandates not just to schools, but to churches as well!
That’s right. Unless someone takes a stand now to stop the “gender identity” mandates:
- The president of the United States, and not you, may well determine the first time your daughter stands exposed and undressed before a member of the opposite sex.
- Schools will be unable to stop teen boys who decide to “identify” as female from lounging in the shower rooms of the girl’s high school basketball team.
- A boy who claims to be a girl may legally be able to demand to sleep in his girlfriend’s room on a class field trip.
- Your own church may be legally unable to stop men who claim to be women from using the women’s restroom on Sunday morning.
Will you stand with us as we refuse to surrender our children’s privacy and safety to President Obama’s political agenda? Declare with us, “Enough is enough!”
Here’s what you can do right now:
- Sign the petition demanding Gov. Branstad join other state governors in protecting our children’s privacy and safety. Click here now!
- Give to grow your voice in the culture, in the media, and the government through the ministry of The FAMiLY LEADER. Click here now!
- Contact your United States legislators and tell them to declare Obama’s “guidance” is is NOT the intent or proper interpretation of the law and retake Congress’ proper authority from an out-of-control executive branch.
- Contact your local school board and district superintendent and urge them to protect our children’s privacy and safety. You can tell them Obama’s edict is not binding, it’s not law, and it’s not good for our children. Urge them to refuse to follow the president’s “guidance.”
- Sign national petitions, like this one from Alliance Defending Freedom, or the one at the end of this Family Research Council article, or this one at the Catholic LifeSiteNews website.
May God give us the courage to be bold for our children and to call out leaders, who have the responsibility to govern us, when they act lawlessly!