Gov. Branstad signs 20-week abortion ban

Gov. Branstad signs 20-week abortion ban

At the Iowa Capitol on May 5, Gov. Terry Branstad signed a new law banning most abortions in Iowa beyond 20 weeks.

The law also expands the information available to women seeking an abortion – including adoption information, an ultrasound, and the opportunity to hear the baby’s heartbeat – and requires a 72-hour waiting period before an abortion can be performed.

But none of this would have happened without you. The diligent work of many Iowans, the unprecedented unity of the Coalition of Pro-Life Leaders, and the message of #ShesABaby had a major impact in moving the Iowa Legislature this year to pass more significant pro-life legislation than at any time since Roe v. Wade.

So we celebrate this step forward in defending life.

But we are not done. We can’t be done. Because that little girl in her mother’s womb? She’s a baby. From the moment of conception, she’s a baby, and her life deserves to be protected.

Join the growing movement of Americans proclaiming the value of every unborn child.
Visit and click, “I agree, she’s a baby,” today!

What’s more, at the March 30 Rally for Life at the State Capitol, Iowa’s top leaders in the House, Senate, and Governor’s Mansion all pledged to you, “We’re not done.”

So today is a good day. But we pray this is just the first step on the way to changing hearts and minds and to defending all life, from the moment of conception to natural death.

Please join us in becoming a champion for life. Visit today. Watch the video. And click “I agree, she’s a baby” to see how YOU can make a difference in the life of an unborn child!