Fox News asks, Vander Plaats to back Ben Carson?

Fox News asks, Vander Plaats to back Ben Carson?

“He’s a mover and a shaker. He’s not a braggart about it, but he does affect votes.”

That’s what Fox News Channel host Neil Cavuto said of The FAMiLY LEADER President Bob Vander Plaats after this live interview on the state of the 2016 presidential race yesterday.

Vander Plaats endorsed Mike Huckabee in 2008 and Rick Santorum in 2012, both of whom went on to win the Iowa GOP caucuses and push for the Republican nomination nationwide. This led to title the interview with Vander Plaats, “Republican kingmaker ready to back Dr. Ben Carson?

To answer the question, neither Vander Plaats nor The FAMiLY LEADER have yet made any endorsement, but are evaluating all the candidates, looking for a person of character whom we can trust to lead with courage and conviction and put pro-family principles over politics, should he or she be elected to the presidency.

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