“Funnel” week is when the rubber meets the road at the Iowa Capitol, and this past week was funnel week! TFL’s Drew Zahn, Danny Carroll, and Chuck Hurley explain what […]
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Religious liberty scores triple victory!
In a huge day for religious liberty at the Iowa Capitol, Gov. Kim Reynolds signed the Iowa Religious Freedom Proclamation, and a pair of bills protecting religious liberty advanced in […]
Christians blasted on Iowa Senate floor – Bob Vander Plaats responds
In videotaped comments on the Iowa Senate floor Wednesday, State Sen. Matt McCoy attacked evangelical Christians in Iowa and singled out The FAMiLY LEADER and Bob Vander Plaats by name. […]
The Timeless Voice: What distinguishes Christians at the Capitol?
TFL’s Vice President of Church Engagement Greg Baker asks the question, “What is it that separates Christians from the rest of the world?” It isn’t political party or good deeds […]
VIDEO: “Heartbeat bill” passes Iowa Senate committee
By a vote of 8-5 Monday evening, the State Senate Judicial Committee passed a bill banning abortions in Iowa after the baby’s heartbeat can be detected. Over 100 pro-life supporters […]
TFL’s Capitol Connection, Ep. 5: An URGENT appeal for life!
This coming week will be HUGE for life in the state of Iowa. TFL’s Drew Zahn and Chuck Hurley explain why and when we need YOU to come to the […]
VIDEO: Testimony heard on fetal heartbeat bill
An Iowa Senate subcommittee heard testimony today on a bill banning abortion after a baby’s heartbeat can be heard. The FAMiLY LEADER was there to defend life and to give […]
SHARE the “heartbeat” of life!
This February, Iowa lawmakers are proposing a bill that would ban abortions after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected. This is YOUR chance to send a Valentine’s Day message from […]
The Timeless Voice: Repentance is pointedly personal
The FAMiLY LEADER Vice President of Church Engagement Greg Baker was convicted recently when asked, “Greg, are you preaching repentance?” Repentance, Greg realized, is intensely personal and can be divisive. […]
TFL’s Capitol Connection, Ep. 4: “This might save 95% of babies”
Exciting news from the Iowa State Capitol! The FAMiLY LEADER’s Bob Vander Plaats sat down with Family Policy Advocates Chuck Hurley and Danny Carroll to discuss the fourth week of […]
School choice: “Let parents be parents”
Bob Vander Plaats is a former public school teacher and high school principal. Today, he is president and CEO of The FAMiLY LEADER, and in this video he gives 5 […]
The Timeless Voice: For America’s sake, build the Church
Commentary by Greg Baker Of the unique powers of government, perhaps the most important is that of sovereign, the final authority. The sovereign is the one who at the end […]