It’s common for people to wonder, “What can I do about the atrocities of abortion and our culture’s casual disregard for life?”
But let’s also consider another question: “What can God do?”
The answer, of course, is anything. And that is encouraging.
No matter how shocking the Planned Parenthood videos, no matter how resistant our leaders to take action, no matter how dark, or sad, or painful the realization of what’s happening to babies in America – God is bigger yet. He does not slumber, nor does He sleep, and He hears their cry.
Let us, then, cry out to Him who holds each precious child in His hand.
Please join with us and churches across Iowa in a Call to Prayer for the Sanctity of Human Life on Sunday, Aug. 16, 2015.
Individually, in a group, or during your church service, let us cry out to our Father for the smallest of our brothers and sisters.