Breaking new ground at the Iowa Legislature!

Breaking new ground at the Iowa Legislature!

The next few months of 2017 offer a historic opportunity to break new ground for family and biblical values in Iowa.

For decades, the Iowa House, Senate, and governorship were divided between the two major political parties, leaving too many pro-family bills stuck in a legislative stalemate. Laws to protect life, strengthen marriage, expand educational choice for parents and children, defend the poor and vulnerable, and more were repeatedly blocked or ignored.

But the sweeping 2016 election cleared that stalemate.

We now have a fresh hope the 2017 Iowa Legislature will consider and pass measures to strengthen and defend families … but only if pro-family Iowans are engaged in speaking our values to our government.

Click here to sign up for free, weekly updates that equip YOU to have a voice
in advancing pro-family legislation!

At The FAMiLY LEADER, our team of family advocates at the Capitol will be hard at work, urging our elected officials to advance pro-family legislation. Among the top priorities of our legislative agenda:

161208babywombLife: Not only making sure your tax dollars don’t fund abortion providers, but also working toward the day when every child is protected as a person from conception to natural death;

Religious liberty: Defending the rights of conscience for doctors and pharmacists, businesses, and every Iowan;

Marriage: Encouraging premarital counseling, discouraging “easy” divorce, and promoting covenant marriages that can only be dissolved on biblical grounds;

161208schoolchildEducation reform: Eliminating Common Core and advocating education savings accounts to give parents new options for choosing the best education for their children;

Health care: Placing families back in charge of their own health and churches back at the forefront of caring for the needy, reducing current government spending on things God never designed government to do;

… and more!

Be a part of this historic opportunity and equip our family advocates to work for YOU. Click here now to financially support their work!

And click here to sign up for free, weekly updates that keep you in the loop on the fight for pro-family policies at the Iowa Capitol.