URGENT action needed in Iowa’s fight for life

URGENT action needed in Iowa’s fight for life

Iowa’s unborn children urgently need to know they can count on you!

Iowa’s courts are working to legalize ALL abortions, at any time – even up to the day of a baby’s birthand make YOU pay for it!

This December, Iowa’s babies need LOTS of people who will say #CountOnMe to protect children’s lives from Iowa’s radical courts.

Your urgent gift today will help pro-life Iowans pass a state constitutional amendment protecting life from radical, unelected judges who would legalize late-term abortion. That will ultimately take a lot of money … but not today.

Today, we simply need LOTS of people who are willing to donate even just $3 to show Iowa’s legislators we mean business. We need to count the people who will give to defend life. It’s not the money, but the number of people who give, that matters.

Can Iowa’s babies count on you to give just $3 today?

Remember, it’s not the amount you give that’s important right now, but just that you are counted among those who give to protect babies.

Even just $3 sends a message that Iowans are willing to put their money where their mouth is and say #CountOnMe to protect unborn babies!

And tell your friends! We need to be able to count them, too! Get the word out with the hashtag #CountOnMe. The more who give, the more we can show Iowa’s legislators we stand with them in protecting life from extremist judges who think unborn babies should be killed – even up to the day of birth!

Stand up and be counted today! Tell Iowa’s babies, “You can #CountOnMe!”