What you need to know: Heartbeat will not be appealed

What you need to know: Heartbeat will not be appealed

When Iowa’s Supreme Court ruled last year that a woman has a “fundamental right to abortion,” the handwriting for Iowa’s Heartbeat Law was on the wall. A Polk County judge relied on that ruling to overturn the law. And on Monday, Feb. 18, the Governor’s Office opted not to appeal the ruling.

Disappointing? Absolutely.

But before turning to social media and getting caught up in the rage and vitriol, remember that as Christians, we must speak truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), and not let our passion – even for babies’ lives – cause us to sin.

Therefore, there are three things you need to know about the Governor’s Office choosing NOT to appeal the ruling that overturned Iowa’s Heartbeat Law:

1. The decision striking down Heartbeat CANNOT be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Overturning Roe v. Wade will be critical to protecting life at the national level. But Planned Parenthood’s lawsuit ONLY claimed Heartbeat violated Iowa’s Constitution, not Roe. So the highest court that can hear this Heartbeat case is the Iowa Supreme Court.

2. The Iowa Supreme Court has already indicated how it will rule.

In a decision handed down after Heartbeat was signed last year, the Iowa Supreme Court demonstrated it would go to any length to protect abortion – even twisting and practically amending Iowa’s Constitution to stop pro-life legislation. This Court is turning Iowa into the next New York, and appealing to it won’t help.

3. This is why Iowa NEEDS to pass a constitutional amendment.

The best check and balance we have against such an activist court is “We the People.” We need to correct the courts that have somehow concocted a “right to abortion” out of nowhere.

And the way “We the People” correct the courts is to pass a constitutional amendment, just like the people of Alabama, Tennessee, and West Virginia have in their states over the last few years.

Until then, Iowa’s Supreme Court ruling threatens to undo ANY pro-life legislation that gets passed.

Get the facts on the Iowa Supreme Court ruling and why an amendment is needed by clicking here.

Read the two Iowa Supreme Court dissenting opinions, which reveal just how dangerous the Court’s majority opinion is.

Discover why and how Iowa needs to change the way it nominates its top judges as well!

“The governor’s decision not to appeal is hardly a surprise when Iowa’s Supreme Court has already indicated it will go to any length, even twist the Iowa Constitution, to preserve the killing of unborn children,” commented Bob Vander Plaats, president and CEO of The FAMiLY LEADER. “This Court is turning Iowa into the next New York, and appealing to an activist Court won’t help.

“The best way to protect innocent life in Iowa now is for ‘We the People’ to pass a constitutional amendment telling the Supreme Court, ‘No! There’s no right to abortion, and no requirement that we taxpayers fund abortion, in the Iowa Constitution,'” he continued. “Yes, passing an amendment is a daunting challenge. But we’ve already accomplished more for life in the last 2 years than in the previous 45. With God’s favor, I believe this is a battle we can win!”

Join TFL’s effort to correct the courts and pass a constitutional amendment today. Your gift of $25, $50, $100, or more will fuel TFL’s Capitol Team to educate, encourage, and persuade YOUR elected representatives to defend innocent babies’ lives!