Polk County District Judge Michael Huppert released his ruling Tuesday, siding with Planned Parenthood to block Iowa’s nation-leading Heartbeat Law. His decision relied heavily on an Iowa Supreme Court ruling from June 29, 2018, which erroneously concluded, “A woman’s right to decide whether to terminate a pregnancy is a fundamental right under the Iowa Constitution.”
In response, The FAMiLY LEADER has issued the following statement:
Make no mistake, today’s decision was based on an activist ruling by Iowa’s State Supreme Court. On June 29 last year, the Iowa Supreme Court claimed for itself the power to amend the Iowa Constitution without even a vote of the people, and then it went way beyond even Roe v. Wade to concoct a ‘right’ to abortion.
That’s outrageous judicial activism, and it’s wrong. Today’s decision is just the next, egregious consequence of that rogue ruling.
For we all know that when an unborn child’s heart is beating, she’s clearly a living being. She’s a Baby. And her life deserves protection under the law.
Now is when YOU come in.
Anticipating this ruling, The FAMiLY LEADER began preparing a “friend of the court” brief that can be filed if and when Judge Huppert’s decision is appealed. This brief includes a truly unique opportunity for you to add YOUR name to the official record, calling on the courts to protect life.
You’re going to want to be able to tell your children and grandchildren that YOUR name was counted among the Americans who stood up for life on this day!
All you have to do is fill out the petition form at the link below to add your name to this historic record:
When you’re done filling out the petition, know that the more people who sign it, the louder our collective voice will be. So SHARE this page! Share it with your online friends, your family, your pastor, your church, your small group, your neighbors, your book club, your Christmas card list – anyone and everyone who might stand with you for life.
Click on the image at the left for a downloadable print petition that you can use to gather written signatures. The more signatures, the better! Instructions for use are on the form itself.
This is a historic moment, and our leaders in government need to hear the voice of the people. They need to hear YOU … because babies in the womb have no other voice to speak for them. Sign the petition today!