The Church Ambassador Network has teamed with Pastor Luke Hukee to combat pornography in the Church by working to free many people from pornography’s bondage. Check out virtual equipping meetings, resources, and interviews from Pastor Luke Hukee:
One of the greatest threats we are facing in our churches today is pornography. The research shows it. Our churches are filled with people who are enslaved to pornography. I wish I could say our people look different than the world, but at least in this area we don’t. Many of our saints who love Jesus, as backwards as it sounds, are addicted to porn. And here is something maybe even crazier: 93% of churches have nothing in place to combat it. But we can change that. By God’s grace we can develop ministries or implement materials already available to help our people find freedom from something that is crushing so many of their lives. Listed below are a number of resources that we have found helpful in the fight against porn in our church. I hope these resources listed can be of assistance to you.
With grace,
Luke Hukee
Pastor, Walnut Creek Church
Join Pastor Luke Hukee to learn about the blight of pornography in and outside the Church and how churches can combat pornography behind their own walls.
Pastor Equipping Seminar: Combating pornography
Listen to Pastor Luke Hukee discuss pornography and more on Faith Works Live, 99.3 FM
Research Resources:
Josh McDowell: The Porn Epidemic Portfolio
The Porn Phenomenon by the Barna Group
Fight the New
Ministry Resources:
“Clean” by Doug Weiss
“The Game Plan” by Joe Dallas
Conquer Series
“Redeemed Sexuality” by Andrew Boa
“Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness” by Ellen Dykas
“Making All Things New: Restoring Joy to the Sexually Broken” by David Powlison
Accountability Resources: