There’s just something about hearing the heartbeat of a baby in the womb that affirms her humanity. If her heart is beating, she’s undeniably alive. If she’s alive, with her own, unique DNA, and her own, unique heartbeat, she’s a unique person. She’s a baby.
On Feb. 28, Iowa’s State Senate affirmed she’s a baby by passing SF2281, the “Heartbeat Bill,” which would ban all abortions in Iowa after a baby’s heartbeat can be detected.
Only two days later, pro-life Iowans responded by flooding the Iowa House of Representatives with over 67,000 emails, encouraging lawmakers it the Iowa House to join their peers in the Senate in passing the Heartbeat Bill.
Then, on March 5, the Iowa Catholic Conference came out with a statement affirming the life-saving efforts of those championing the Heartbeat Bill:
The Iowa Catholic Conference supports the life-affirming intent of “heartbeat” abortion legislation such as Senate File 2281. We appreciate legislators for their efforts to advance the protection of unborn children and we remain committed to helping with efforts aimed at resolving questions regarding the bill’s constitutionality.
Science shows that life begins at conception. May we continue to work together in solidarity on ways to protect vulnerable people, including the unborn.
These actions all mirror a national Barna poll, taken in February 2017, that shows nearly 7 in 10 Americans – including a majority of Republicans, independents, and Democrats – favor laws defending a baby’s right to life when her heartbeat can be detected.
Now, all eyes turn to the Iowa House. We encourage our state representatives to join their peers in the Senate by standing for Iowa mothers and their children and sending Heartbeat legislation to the governor’s desk.
Will you join your voice with other pro-life Iowans in urging our elected representatives to defend her life?