The FAMiLY LEADER organization will not be issuing an endorsement of a candidate prior to the Iowa Caucus.
The ministry of The FAMiLY LEADER has grown in recent years to encompass far more than elections and candidates. Especially with the growing, global impact of the If 7:14 call to prayer for revival, our focus is on transforming culture, strengthening families, and inspiring Christ-like leadership. Our work with pastors and churches has grown as well, and it’s critical that none of our ministry efforts be seen as being co-opted by a partisan agenda.
For these reasons and others, our board unanimously decided The FAMiLY LEADER needs to remain a standard bearer for Christian principles in our culture and government, and not endeavor to be a kingmaker in the election process.
And especially in a year when so many good candidates are championing Christian values in the civic arena, The FAMiLY LEADER wants to assure all our friends and ministry supporters that no money given to the ministry of The FAMiLY LEADER will be used to favor one good candidate to the detriment of other good candidates.
Nonetheless, the process of coming to this decision was not easy, especially in the wake of the disappointing 2012 election.
In both the 2008 and 2012 elections, Christians and constitutional conservatives divided their support among various candidates. Recent history has shown that with Christian conservatives divided, the nation’s political parties nominate candidates who do not champion our values or issues.
It is therefore our hope and fervent prayer that 2016 will be different, and Christians will avoid dividing into factions that fight against, instead of alongside, one another. The FAMiLY LEADER board and staff has been in earnest prayer and fasting, over many months and meetings, asking God to intervene as He did in guiding Samuel to choose David in 1 Samuel 16. Our hope is that now, as then, though many candidates exhibit admirable qualities, God would say, “Neither has the LORD chosen this one,” and raise up instead a single standard bearer around whom Christian voters can unite.
To that end, the board has also unanimously encouraged its leaders – including President and CEO Bob Vander Plaats, Vice President Chuck Hurley, and Board Chair Robert Cramer – to apply their personal influence to encourage Christian voters toward uniting behind a single candidate. The board fully supports their decision to make personal endorsements, while recognizing it is more important for the organization at this time to be a standard bearer and steward its resources to honor the intent of those donors who might disagree with a particular choice for endorsement.