Bobby Jindal explains to Branstad how it’s DONE

Bobby Jindal explains to Branstad how it’s DONE

150928jindalbranstad2Gov. Bobby Jindal made news on Aug.3, not for his presidential bid, but for defunding Planned Parenthood in Louisiana.

Now Jindal has written a letter to Gov. Terry Branstad, who has resolutely refused to take the same steps in Iowa, explaining just how a governor can legally cut off taxpayer dollars flowing to Planned Parenthood.

Click here to tell Branstad it’s time he keeps his promise and defunds Planned Parenthood!

150928jindalbranstad“Videos have been released which show in detail Planned Parenthood’s abhorrent practices and disregard for human life,” the letter states. “After viewing the first of these videos in July, I directed the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) to investigate.”

After detailing additional steps, Jindal’s letter goes on to say, “Finally, at my direction, DHH notified Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast of the termination of their Medicaid contract with the state of Louisiana, for cause.”

(This is exactly what The FAMiLY LEADER and many Iowans like you are demanding Gov. Branstad do.)

“I encourage you to watch these videos and to take similar action in your state as well,” Jindal tells Branstad. “If you have any questions about the specific actions our state has taken to protect life, please do not hesitate to call me.”

Read the letter for yourself by clicking here.

The letter comes even as Branstad is facing pressure from Iowan voters after a hard-hitting video reminds the governor he promised five years ago to defund Planned Parenthood, whether the money “goes to pay for abortions” or not.

The web-based video, however, is only the beginning:

  • Hundreds of Iowans are already emailing the governor, telling him to “Keep Your Promise” and defund Planned Parenthood.
  • The video has been reported by WHO-TV News and multiple local radio hosts.
  • Very shortly, radio ads reminding Branstad to “Keep Your Promise” will be featured on some of Iowa’s most-listened-to live broadcasts

And with your help, the “Keep Your Promise” ad may also appear on Iowa’s television networks. Click here now to help fund this critical step in putting the pressure on Branstad to defund Planned Parenthood in Iowa.