Recap of Life, Marriage, and Family Rally

Recap of Life, Marriage, and Family Rally


…so is my word that goes out from my mouth:  It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. 

Isaiah 55:11

Over 250 Iowans came to the Iowa State Capitol on Tuesday to claim that promise found in the book of Isaiah.  With the support of over 130 churches from all across the state, every Iowa legislator received their own personalized copy of The Founders’ Bible.  Over 80 churches were represented in person during the Rally and Bible presentations.

Watch the highlight video (5 min)!

See the photo gallery on Facebook

We are getting very positive feedback from several legislators who have started reading the Bible, which incorporates numerous accounts of our Founders, and their reliance on the Bible when they laid our country’s foundation.

In addition to the Bible project, we hosted Dr. Del Tackett, author and teacher of The Truth Project, and possibly the top worldview expert in the world.  Dr. Tackett met with about 25 legislators for breakfast at 7:30 Tuesday morning.  Several legislators had to leave briefly to participate in the gaveling in of the House, but they quickly returned to learn more from Dr. Tackett. 

Watch the video of Del’s presentation

Afterwards, those attending the Rally met at the Iowa State Historical Building to hear from Bob Vander Plaats and Del Tackett.  Dr. Tackett then participated in the Bible presentations, and spent time visiting with legislators, the Governor, and Rally attendees.  He was most gracious with his time, and greatly added to the experience.  We are humbled and encouraged by the outpouring of support we witnessed at the Rally and the day at the Capitol.   

The FAMiLY LEADER team gives thanks and praise to God for His blessing this week.  We are honored to have been a part of spreading God’s word, while encouraging all members of the General Assembly in their service.  We look forward to seeing what God’s word “will accomplish.”